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[testimonial name="John Doe" email="This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it." company="joomshaper" designation="Developer"]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum venenatis, felis a semper mollis, mauris mi suscipit dui, non laoreet diam enim et turpis. Sed imperdiet ultrices felis, at ultricies tellus consequat a. Proin condimentum porttitor eros, vitae facilisis sapien rhoncus vitae. Aliquam dapibus elit non metus posuere blandit. Phasellus a aliquam urna. Aliquam ac massa tellus, a semper odio. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Integer tincidunt, nisi quis congue consectetur, lacus augue scelerisque enim, eu vehicula neque tortor ac risus. Nunc mollis interdum iaculis. [/testimonial]
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[carousel][carousel_item] [caption] Powerful templates framework to develop Joomla base website faster! [/caption] [/carousel_item] [carousel_item] [caption] Powerful templates framework to develop Joomla base website faster! [/caption] [/carousel_item] [carousel_item] [caption] Powerful templates framework to develop Joomla base website faster! [/caption] [/carousel_item] [/carousel]
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[accordion id="sc-accordion"] [accordion_item title='Item 1']Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin ornare consectetur sodales. Nulla luctus cursus mauris at dapibus. Cras ac felis et neque consequat elementum a eget turpis. Aliquam erat volutpat. Integer feugiat sem eu ligula vulputate consequat. Nulla facilisi. Cras vel elit lectus, at fringilla lorem.[/accordion_item] [accordion_item title='Item 2']consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin ornare consectetur sodales. Nulla luctus cursus mauris at dapibus. Cras ac felis et neque consequat elementum a eget turpis. Aliquam erat volutpat. Integer feugiat sem eu ligula vulputate consequat. Nulla facilisi. Cras vel elit lectus, at fringilla lorem.[/accordion_item] [accordion_item title='Item 3'] Proin ornare consectetur sodales. Nulla luctus cursus mauris at dapibus. Cras ac felis et neque consequat elementum a eget turpis. Aliquam erat volutpat. Integer feugiat sem eu ligula vulputate consequat. Nulla facilisi. Cras vel elit lectus, at fringilla lorem.[/accordion_item] [/accordion]
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AGESHA Tours (Agere-Genet (paradise) Ethiopia of Symbolic & Historic Attractions)
Has come into the tour operation business recently; and is managed and operated by its staff that have extensive education and knowledge about the tourism industry of Ethiopia. Our tour guides in particular have wide-ranging understanding about the historical, cultural, natural and religious sites of our country making us a preferable company that provides multi-dimensional service to the needs and satisfaction of our customers. In addition to this, the modern fleets of land cruisers and latest vans that are operated by our diligent drivers with extensive years of experience and mechanical know-how are our added assets that assure our customers an enjoyable and yet reliable visit to any selected destination.
After an enjoyable tour to your desired destination, we will make you depart back home with memorable days and nights staying in our good hands. Based on our principal objective of satisfying the interests of our customers, we offer them meticulous service worth the money they spend and their precious time they intend to utilize properly.
Our vision
To be the preferred income travel agency by tour operators, individual, group travelling and women’s traveler to Ethiopia.
Our mission
BY offering a first class personal service and by using our local knowledge, experience and contacts, we are proud to serve our customers with tailor made solutions so that to exceed the customer expectation.
Our values (S.E.R.V.E)
Our customers come first and we work to the highest operational standards in order to exceed the expectation of our customer and want to give service for the value of money they paid.
We deliver excellence to our travel partners and our mutual customers through the development of quality system and continued focus on smarter way of working.
We work together with our partners and suppliers will respect and integrity of the development and maintain long lasting mutually beneficial working relationship.
By using our strengths, we deliver value to our customers by offering quaality, innovative and value for money, product and service.
We will operate responsibly to minimize negative and enhance positive environment, social and economic impact to ensuring the long term sustainability of our business and of the resources on which we depends.
Affiliate programs
How does the Agesha tour affiliate program work?
What is called an “affiliate program” or “associate program” is a relationship in which a merchant pays (the “affiliate”) for links through his site to visit our site and when reservation has made. Usually, the affiliate is paid only when an actual sale is made by the merchant as a result of link. Affiliate place links and banners on their sites that send customers to the Agesha tours website. Affiliates are paid a commission on any resulting sales of eligible products purchase.
This kind of advertising is called Pay per Action (PPA), since the affiliate isn’t paid for carrying the merchant’s advertising link or on his site, but only when a visitor performs a certain action (visits, fills out a form, and makes a purchase).
To give you an idea of how this works in action, I’ll describe program briefly. While you visit through different booking engine example Expidia, and I-booking on their site and are assigned an ID.
Let’s say when you want to book your trip through third party to sell your reservation with our company by looking booking conditions.
When the visitor clicks on the link, then the conformation letter will be sent to the traveler by fulfilling the payment requirement based on the term and condition. At the same time my assigned ID will be recorded (an arbitrary number assigned to each visitor every time he enters the site), so that if the visitor makes any purchases on that session, I will be credited with their purchase.
One of the reasons affiliate programs are so popular is that that offer a win-win situation for both merchant and affiliate.
Privacy POLICY
This Privacy Policy explains how we deal with and protect your personal information. It also explains how you may request to access and correct your personal information and complain about a breach of your privacy. We recommend that you review this policy regularly as we may amend it from time to time.
We collect personal information about you that is relevant to your travel arrangements or that will enable us to provide you with our goods and services. We may also collect information about you in order for you to register as a member, complete a travel profile, participate in a survey or promotion, ask a question or initiate a transaction on our website, over the phone, a mobile application or through a franchised agent.
For example, we may collect details such as your name, telephone number, email address, credit card number and expiry date, and details of your flight, hotel and car bookings and other travel details.
We collect your personal information directly from you in the course of providing a product or service or when you have other dealings with us. For example, your personal information will be collected when you deal with us over the telephone, send us a letter or an email, visit our website, complete an online registration form, provide information to complete a booking or subscribe to a service provided by us.
We may also collect your personal information from others who make a booking on your behalf. If you register for My Trips or My Account, we will also collect information such as the departure city from which you usually travel, your preferences for seat selection or special meals, details about your participation in loyalty or awards programs and applicable membership numbers and other travel preferences. We also collect any other information that you have elected to provide us, such as gender, activities and lifestyle preferences and favorite destinations.
We may use your personal information to:
- Provide you with travel products and services;
- Consider your request for a product or service;
- Provide you with information about other products and services that may be of interest to you including information about our business partners' products and services
- Assist in arrangements and reservations with suppliers (such as airlines, tour operators, car hire operators, hotels and insurance providers) in relation to the provision of a product or service;
- Collect and process payments, though us or a third party;
- Perform all other administrative and operational tasks (including risk management, systems development and testing, staff training, and market or customer satisfaction research);
- To facilitate your participation in loyalty programs;
- Analyze how our products and services (including any websites) are used;
- Personalize the service or communication we provide to you, tailor your experience on our website or other websites to your interests and make more appropriate travel recommendations; and
- Investigate, detect and protect us and other third parties against, negligence, breach of contract, fraud, theft and other illegal activities;
We may disclose your personal information to:
- suppliers of products or services which you have selected (such as airlines, tour operators, car hire operators, hotels and insurance providers);
- third party travel service providers who assist in fulfilling the booking you have made;
- Our online booking facility operator and host and others who assist in providing these services.
- Third party sponsors or co-sponsors of promotions on our website. Only information collected during a promotion will be disclosed to these parties;
- Third parties when we contract out some of our functions and activities, such as our call center operator and mailing house. In these circumstances, we prohibit third parties from using your personal information, except for the specific purpose for which we supply it;
- government authorities in the event of an accident, disaster or emergency; and
- Others where we are authorized or required by law to do so.
The third parties we disclose your personal information to (our suppliers, travel service providers, call center operator, website manager and data center providers) may be located overseas Ethiopia.
Generally, we will only disclose your personal information to these overseas entities in connection with facilitation of your travel booking and/or to enable the performance of administrative and technical services by them on our behalf.
We store personal information in a combination of secure computer storage facilities, paper based facilities and other records. If you have registered on our website, we store your personal information (and any personal information of individuals for whom you have made reservations) in databases, email servers, My Trips and My Account. This includes storage of information (such as billing information) so that you do not need to re-enter it each time you book a product or service unless you tell us not to store it.
We will endeavor to take all reasonable precautions to maintain the security of the information in our systems. We use a combination of security measures to prevent the unauthorized access of our servers and regularly review our security policies. Your personal information will be stored in secured locations and on servers controlled, located either at our offices or at the offices of our service providers.
The payment pages on this website are encrypted using the internationally accepted security system SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) to encrypt all credit card payments over the web. This means that the information from these pages are sent back to our server in a secure fashion and adequately protected against known interception schemes.
Subject to some exceptions contained in the Privacy Act, you can find out what personal information we hold about you. You can contact our Privacy Officer using the details in the section to find out about the personal information we hold about you. We will need to verify your identity before giving you access. Depending on the complexity of your request, we may charge a reasonable fee for processing the request.However, we will not charge for the making of the request.
If you would like to correct or update any information we hold about you please contact our Privacy
We will only collect your sensitive information with your consent and where it is desirable for your travel arrangements. We will only use and disclose your sensitive information for the primary purpose for which it was collected or a purpose that is directly related to this primary purpose and reasonably expected. Otherwise, we will not collect, use or disclose sensitive information about you unless required to do so by law. Sensitive information, as defined by law, is any information about a person’s racial or ethnic origin, political opinion, membership of a political association, religious beliefs or affiliations, philosophical, beliefs, membership of a professional or trade association, membership of a trade union, sexual orientation or practices, criminal record and health information.
If you provide us with information about other people traveling with you (for example, family members), you should make them aware of this Privacy Policy and any privacy collection notices we provide you.
Serving customers well is very important to us. As part of this service, we may use your personal information to identify a product or service that you may be interested in. We may contact you from time to time to let you know about new or exciting products or services and special offers that may be of interest to you, including information about our business partners' products and services.
We may from time to time monitor and review any information transmitted or received through our website, or through telephone or e-mail communications, for quality assurance and other purposes. We reserve the right to censor, edit, remove or prohibit the transmission or receipt of any information that we deem inappropriate or in violation of our terms and conditions. During monitoring the information may be examined, recorded or copied.
If you wish to complain about our handling of your personal information, please contact our Privacy Officer using the details by contacting the company officer by any mode of communication. We will investigate all complaints and respond to you as soon as practicable. If we find a complaint justified, we will resolve it. If necessary, we will change our policies and procedures to maintain our high standards of performance, service and customer care. If your complaint is not satisfactorily resolved, further communication until we resolve any complaints at a time.
If you have a privacy complaint or wish to correct, update or access the personal information that we hold about you, please contact our Privacy Officer by using different methods:
Responsible Business
Agesha tour operates in a secure, trustworthy and confidential operating system. Engaged for the sustainability of the host community and initiate a positive mutual benefit based on the traveler choose to participate for the wellbeing of the environment, social and culture based activity, economics and carbon emission reduction.
The activity involves minimize any damage to the environment (flora, water, soil, energy use, contamination. Ideally tried to benefit the environment in positive way (through protection and conservation).
Socially and culturally
The activity doesn’t harm and may revitalize the social structure or culture of the community where it is located.
The activity doesn’t simply begin and rapidly die because of bad business practices, it continue to contribute to the economic wellbeing of the local community. A sustainable business should benefit its owners, employee and neighbors.
Carbon emission reduction
Activity that includes cycling, Hiking, Mule (horse) and trekking.